Logistic Regression
What is Logistic Regression:
Logistic Regression is a statistical method for
analyzing a dataset in which there are one or more independent variables that
determine an outcome. The outcome is a binary or dichotomous variable (only two
possible outcomes).
Logistic Regression Works
1. Logistic regression estimates the probability that a given instance belongs to a particular category. Instead of modeling this directly, it models the log-odds or the logarithm of the odds:
logistic function is used to model the probability of a binary outcome. Here’s the formula:
In the context of a logistic regression model, the log odds are modeled as a linear combination of the input features. The logistic regression equation can be written as: where:
- is the probability of the positive class.
- are the input features.
- are the coefficients (weights) of the model.
The odds of an event occurring is the ratio of the probability that the event occurs to the probability that it does not occur. If is the probability of the event occurring, then the odds are given by:
Log Odds (Logit)
The log odds is the natural logarithm of the odds:
Log odds transform probabilities, which range between 0 and 1, into a continuous scale that ranges from negative infinity to positive infinity. This transformation is useful because it allows logistic regression to use linear combinations of input features to predict the probability of a binary outcome.
Uses of Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is widely used for binary
classification problems where the outcome is dichotomous (e.g., yes/no,
true/false, success/failure).
Used to predict
the presence or absence of a disease based on patient characteristics.
To predict whether a customer will buy a product or
not based on their past behavior and demographic information.
To predict credit default risk.
Use the Logit Function?
In logistic
regression, we need a linear relationship between the independent variables
(predictors) and the transformed dependent variable. The logit function helps
achieve this linearity.
The logit function maps probabilities (which are
bounded between 0 and 1) to the entire real number line (
−∞ to +∞), making it suitable for regression analysis.
of Dataset
Your dataset contains information about claims and
their attributes, which can be used to predict whether an attorney is involved
in the claim.
Case number (not relevant for prediction).
Binary outcome variable indicating whether an attorney is involved (0 = No, 1 =
Claimant's sex (e.g., 0 = Female, 1 = Male).
Claimant's insurance status (e.g., 0 = No insurance, 1 = Has insurance).
Whether the claimant was wearing a seatbelt (e.g., 0 = No, 1 = Yes).
Age of the claimant.
Amount of loss claimed.
Evaluation Metrix:
A confusion matrix is a table used to evaluate the performance of a classification model. It compares the predicted values with the actual values to show how well the model is performing. It breaks down the predictions into four categories:
True Positives (TP):
The model predicted the positive class (e.g., "1" or "yes") correctly.
True Negatives (TN):
The model predicted the negative class (e.g., "0" or "no") correctly.
False Positives (FP):
The model predicted the positive class, but the actual class was negative (also known as a "Type I Error").
False Negatives (FN):
The model predicted the negative class, but the actual class was positive (also known as a "Type II Error").
For Example,
Fig. Confusion MatrixFig. Confusion Matrix Breakdown
Explanation of the Table:
True Negatives (TN) = 436:
The model predicted 0 (no attorney hired), and the actual value was also 0 (no attorney hired).
False Negatives (FN) = 139:
The model predicted 0 (no attorney hired), but the actual value was 1 (attorney hired).
False Positives (FP) = 249:
The model predicted 1 (attorney hired), but the actual value was 0 (no attorney hired).
True Positives (TP) = 516:
The model predicted 1 (attorney hired), and the actual value was also 1 (attorney hired).
Total Predicted ATTORNEY = 0: 575 (436 TN + 139 FN)
Total Predicted ATTORNEY = 1: 765 (249 FP + 516 TP)
Total Actual ATTORNEY = 0: 685 (436 TN + 249 FP)
Total Actual ATTORNEY = 1: 655 (139 FN + 516 TP)
Total Data Points: 1340 (Total cases analyzed)
This table helps in interpreting the performance of your model by clearly separating the different types of correct and incorrect predictions.
Key Metrics:
Accuracy: Measures how often the model made the correct prediction.
- or 71%
Precision (for ATTORNEY = 1): The proportion of actual attorney-hired cases among those predicted as attorney-hired.
- or 67.4%
Recall (Sensitivity for ATTORNEY = 1): The proportion of actual attorney-hired cases correctly identified by the model.
F1-Score: The harmonic mean of precision and recall.
- or 72.6%
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