C Programming Question Bank

1. Explain programming paradigm
2. Explain algorithms and flowchart with example
3. What is history of c language and 
4. Explain simple structure of C program. 
4. what are features of c programming
Write short note on 

         Data types

        Variables and constant

         Operators in C

5.    Explain increment and decrement operator with example

5.  Explain input and output statements in C

6. Explain format specifiers in C

6. What is loop? Explain looping/iterative statements in C? 

7. What are conditional/decision making statements in C explain with example

8. Difference between break and continue statement

9.    Explain break, continue and goto statements in C

9. Difference between while and do while loop in C.

11. What is an array? Explain types of an array in c.

12. What is character array in C? Explain with example

13. What are string functions in C? Explain with example

14. What is function? What are different types of functions in C? Explain functions in C

15. What is function argument? Explain types of arguments.  

16. Explain parameter passing in C language

17. What is recursion function in C?

18. Write C program to find largest number among three numbers

19. Write C program to find bigger or smaller numbers from two numbers

19. Write c program to find given number is palindrome or not

20. Write c program to display sum of digits till it becomes single digit eg. If number is 3456

21. Then sum = 3+4+5+6=18


22. Write C program to perform arithmetic operations  such as case +  Addition

Case -  Subtraction

Case * Multiplication

Case / Division

23. Write C program to check number is prime or not

24. Write C program to check number is Armstrong or not

25. Write C program to display following pattern

1 2

1 2 3

1 2 3 4 

1 2 3 4 5

26. Write C program to display following pattern


* *

* * *

* * * *

25. Write C program to convert temperature from degree Celsius to  degree Fahrenheit 

26. Write C program to print factorial of N

27. Write C program to find given number is odd or not

28. Write C program to find Fibonacci series of N

29. Write C program to store 10 array elements in array1 and display sum of these array elements on screen

30. Write C program to perform addition of Matrix A and Matrix B and display addition in Matrix C

31. Write C program to preform multiplication of two matrix.

32. Write C program to to find number of voles from given string

33. Write C program to find 

the length of given string

copy given string 

compare given string

combine two strings

Convert string into upper case

convert string into lower case

34. Write C program to display factorial of given number using recursive function

35. Write C program to sort array elements in ascending and descending order

36. Write C program to find largest smallest array element

37. What is increment and decrement operator explain with example