ADBMS Question Bank
Unit 1: Introduction to ADBMS
1. What is ADBMS? Explain features of ADBMS
2. What are different database users? Explain roles of DBA
3. What are data models? Explain ER data model in detail
4. Draw ERD of Attendance management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
5. Draw RED of Library management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
6. Draw ERD of Admission management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
7. Draw ERD of Admission management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
8. Draw ERD of Event management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
9. Draw ERD of Online Food Order system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
10. Draw ERD of Placement management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
11. Draw ERd of Hotel management system. List out all possible entities and its attributes with its relationships
12. Explain Normalization in detail.
13. Normalize following database
Table: Student
: 101,102, 103,104,105
Rohan, Sheetal, Sanika, Gopal,
9511775185/23456789, 19764523, 3456789, 23456789, 2345678
Maharashtra, Goa, Rajasthan, Delhi, UP
Table Teacher:
001, 002, 003, 004, 005
Java, HTML, PHP, ADBMS, Python
34, 45, 27, 49, 35
Table Teacher:
001, 002, 003, 004, 005
Prof. Shyam, Prof. Ram, Dr. Sejal, Dr. Roshan, Dr. Gautam
T_Zip_Code: 411046, 400223, 12023, 1345, 15643
T_City: Pune, Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Parbhani
Table Student:
101, 102, 103
India, UK, USA
Finance, Data Science, Business Analytica
Finance, Computer, BA
s01, so2, s03
1st Normal form, 2nd Normal Form, 3rd Normal
Form, BCNF on above tables and normalize data
1. What are different databases?
2. Explain relational database in detail
3. Explain distributed database in details
4. What are document databases
5. What are NoSQL database
6. Explain distributed database and distributed transactions
7. Write short on data warehouse
Unit 03: Transaction management, Concurrency and Recovery
1. What is transaction management? Explain features of transaction management
2. Explain ACID properties
3. Explain lock based and timestamp based protocols
4. What is concurrency control? Explain its features
5. What is deadlock? Explain deadlock handling methods
6. What is recovery? Explain recovery in concurrent transactions
Unit 4: The Relational Database Standard
1. What is DDL? Explain DDL statements with syntax and example
2. What is DML? Explain DML statements with syntax and example
3. Explain Data constraint in Oracle with syntax and example
4. What is difference between primary key, unique key and Foreign key
5. What are different clauses in Oracle? Explain with syntax and example
6. Explain Aggregate functions in Oracle with syntax and example
7. Create table client_master with following details
Client_id number(10) Primary Key
Client_name varchar(20) Not Null
Address Varchar(30) Not Null
Contact Number(10) Unique
8. Create table sales_order with following details
S_id varchar(4) ,
S_type varchar(15),
S_order_date default,
Amount number(4) check(amount>100)
Delivery_address varchar(10) default address In (‘Pune’ and ‘Mumbai’)
Write queries for following questions
Add new column contact_number to sales_order table
Modify amount column withs new size 6
Modify the Delivery_address column with Address
Add primary key to s_id column
Add unique key to contact_number column
Rename column Amount with P_amount
Rename table Sales_Order with Sales
Drop column S_Order_Date and Address
Drop primary key, foreign key, not null, check, default
1. First Normal Form (1NF):
Initial Table:
Consider a table named "StudentCourses" that tracks student enrollments in different courses. Each row represents a student-course combination, and we want to bring it to 1NF.
Student ID Student Name Courses
101 Alice Math, Physics
102 Bob Chemistry
103 Carol Biology, History
To achieve 1NF, we separate the repeating values in the "Courses" column into distinct rows, and each row must have a unique identifier (in this case, the Student ID).
Modified Tables:
Student ID Student Name
101 Alice
102 Bob
103 Carol
Student ID Course
101 Math
101 Physics
102 Chemistry
103 Biology
103 History
2. Second Normal Form (2NF):
Initial Tables:
Consider two tables, "Students" and "Courses," which are related. We want to bring
them to 2NF.
Student ID Student Name Course ID
101 Alice 1
102 Bob 2
103 Carol 1
Course ID Course
1 Math
2 Chemistry
To achieve 2NF, we create two tables with proper relationships:
Modified Tables:
Student ID Student Name
101 Alice
102 Bob
103 Carol
Student ID Course ID
101 1
102 2
103 1
3. Third Normal Form (3NF):
Initial Tables:
Consider a database for a library. Two tables are involved: "Books" and "Authors." We want to bring them to 3NF.
ISBN Title Author ID
978-12345 "Great Novel" 1
978-54321 "Mystery Story" 2
Author ID Author Name
1 Author A
2 Author B
To achieve 3NF, we create separate tables for "Books," "Authors," and "BookAuthors" to eliminate transitive dependencies.
Modified Tables:
ISBN Title
978-12345 "Great Novel"
978-54321 "Mystery Story"
Author ID Author Name
1 Author A
2 Author B
SBN Author ID
978-12345 1
978-54321 2
Unit 05:
1. What is PLSQL? Explain in brief
2. Explain PLSQL block with syntax and example
3. What is view? Explain view with example
4. What is cursor? Explain explicit and implicit cursor with example
5. Explain cursor with syntax and example
6. What is trigger? What are different types of triggers? Explain After insert trigger with example
7. Create table sales_order and insert 5 rows. Write cursor to retrieve order_id, product_type, Product_name and total_amount
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