What is Python Programming

What is Python

What is Python?

Python high level, general purpose, interpreted and object oriented programming language with dynamic semantics.  It has high level built-in data structures combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding.

Python is dynamically typed and garbage collected programming language. Dynamically typed means type of the variable is determined during the run time only. In other programming language the type of data is given before execute the code.

Python is garbage collected means it has garbage collection. It has algorithm to deallocate objects which are no longer needed. Pythons garbage collection helps to delete the objects from memory which are no longer needed.

Python is interpreted:

Python is both compiled and interpreted language. Python is interpreted language because the source code of Python is converted into bytecode then it is executed by Python virtual machine. Python is not similar to C and C++ compiler. As C, C++ compiler convert or translates entire code into machine language and then this converted code executed to get output. Where interpreter translates one statements at a time into machine code and simultaneously executes this code. Interpreter takes very less time to translates or analyses the source code than the compilers. 

Python do not need compiler because it depends on interpreter, it compiles and run the code without creating source code into machine code. It directly translates and run code. Hence it takes very less time for execution of Python code as comparing to other compilers.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms such as procedural, object oriented and functional paradigms.

History of Python Programming:

Python is designed and created by Guido Van Rossum in February 1991 in Netherland. The Developer Institute is Python software foundation. The name Python is given on the name of Monthy Python’s flying Circus a famous BBC comedy show in 19970. He given the name Python which is short, unique and mysterious. So he calls the language as Python.

ABC programming language and Modula-3 are the influencer languages for Python designing and development.


 The first release of Python is February 20 1991.

Python Release and Versions:

Python 0.9.0                    February 1991

Python 1.0                      January 1994

Python 2.0                      October 2000

Python 2.7.0                   July 2010

Python 3                         December 2008

Python 3.6                      December 2016

Python 3.6.5                   March 2018

Python 3.7.0                   March 2018

Python 3.8                      October 2019

Python 3.9                      October 2020

Python 3.12                    December 2022                       

Features of Python:

1.     Python is easy to learn:

Python language is easy to learn, understand and write the code as compared to other programming languages. Its syntax is simple like English language. To define code block in Python language there is no semicolon and curly brackets are used. The indentation defines the code block. Indentation refers to the spaces at the beginning of the Python code lone it indicates the block of code.

2.     It is very expressive Language:

By using Python language, we can write very complex task using few lines of code. For example if you wants to print “hello world” in Python we just can use print(“Hello world”) but in C, C++ and Java it will take multiple lines of code.

3.     Python Language is interpreted:

Python is an interpreted, it uses step by step interpretation i.e. translation of source code into machine code and simultaneously it executes the code.

4.     Python is Open Source:

Python programming language is free on web for everyone. Python is freely available on its official websites(www.python.org).

Open source software is freely available on web to download. The code is publically accessible through the internet. Anyone can see, modify and distribute the code that fit.

5.     Python is Object Oriented:

Like C, C++, Java, Dot Net Programming Python is also Object oriented programming language. This language supports to class, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, data encapsulation and hiding. It helps to reuse the code.

6.     Huge source of open source libraries:

Python support huge source of standard open source libraries that helps in various branches such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, web developments.

7.     GUI Supports:

Python language supports to the graphical user interface. It is used to design and develop GUI based applications.


Uses of Python Programming Language:

1.     Python programming is used for data analytics purposes

2.     Python is used for data visualization

3.     Python language is used in Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, Machine learning

4.     Python is used for design and development of mobile applications, web designing, desktop systems, game development.

5.     Python is used in predictive analytics.

6.     Python is also used to develop the programming languages

7.     Python is widely used in IOT i.e. internet of things.

List of Popular Software written in Python:


YouTube analytics, recommendation systems, recommendations videos, You tubers,


Python plays important role in the Google upgradation with very advance features such as google analytics, recommendation systems.


It is photo video sharing social media application wher Python is used to manage sharing.


Reddit is network, social and entertainment site. Python is used to manages the Reddit services.


Spotify is popular music streaming service. Python features are used to manage streaming features of Spotify application


DropBox is used in cloud offering services to manage storages, data management and file sharing. Python is used in the development of DropBox application.


It is question answer applications which is written with the help of Python



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