Role of Python in AI and Data Science

What is Role of Python in AI and Data Science:

Python is most widely used programming language for machine learning, Artificial intelligence and data science. Python has rich source of libraries which are used in data science for various purposes.

1.     Numpy:

Numpy is numerical Python library which is used to work with mathematical functions and array and linear algebra. Using Numpy it is very easy to perform operations on multidimensional arrays.  This library also helps in vectorizations of mathematical on the Numpy array type.

2.     Pandas:

Pandas is most popular library of Python which is used for data manipulations and analysis purpose. Pandas helps us in manipulation of large amount of structured as well as unstructured data.  Pandas library also used for data visualization. Pandas data structures series is used for storing one dimensional data and DataFrame is uased to handle and store two dimensional data.

3.     Matplotlib:

The matplotlib library is used for data visualization in Python. It is also used for descriptive analysis. With the help of matplotlib library we can plot graphs, pie charts, histograms and other figures.  The main purpose of matplotlib is data data visualization and descriptive analysis.

4.     Scipy:

The Scipy is most popular library of Python which is used in data science for scientific computing. Scipy is used for mathematical operations such as optimizations, linear algebra, integration, interpolations etc.

5.     Scikit-Learn:

Scikitlearn is also known as Sklearn library of Python. This library is used in machine learning for various algirithms and functions. Sklearn is builtin in Numpy, Scipy and matplotlib libraries of Python.

6.     SimpleAI:

It provides well documented tested libraries for artificial intelligence.

7.     PyDatalog:

PyDatalog library of Python is used to perform logical programming in artificial intelligence.

Applications of Python:

Python is used in many fields for design and development of various types of software.

1.     Web Development:

Python framework tools such as Django and Pyramid Flask, Plone are used in web development. Other libraries which are used in internet protocols HTML, XML, JSON, internet protocol, FTP etc.

2.      Desktop and GUI Applications Development:

Python programming language is used for desktop software development such as ERP, different types of management systems. Python provide Tk GUI library is used to develop user interface. Other Python library such as TKinter or TK, wxWidgetM, Kivy PyQt are also used to design GUI applications.

3.     Console based Applications:

To design and development of console and shell applications Python is used. These applications are computer programs which are used to execute computer commands. Python is also used to design read and write files applications.

4.     Business Applications:

Python programming is also used in development of business applications such as ERP, e-commerce websites. Odoo is software that offers a range of business applications that are used to form complete suite of enterprise management applications.