C Programming MCQ with Answers Set4


1. ----- specify the type of value that variable can hold or store

ANSWER= (B) data type
Explain:- Data type specify the data or value that variable can store


2. ----- is format specifier for long data type

ANSWER= (A) %ld
Explain:- Format specifier for long integer data type is %ld


3. What is storage copacity of double data type

ANSWER= (D) 8 byte
Explain:- The storage copacity of double data type is 8 byte


4. Character data is enclosed in -------

ANSWER= (A) ‘ ‘
Explain:- The character data is enclosed in single quotation ‘ ‘


5. ----- is and identifier which is used to store data or value

ANSWER= (A) variable
Explain:- Variable is an identifier which store the value or data


6. We cannot use ------ as variable name

ANSWER= (B) keyword
Explain:- For variable declaration we cannot use keyword


7. Storage copacity of long long int is-----

ANSWER= (A) 8 byte
Explain:- The storage copacity of long long int is 8 byte


8. Which special character is used for white space

ANSWER= (C) \t
Explain:- \t is used to give white space in between the words or message


9. ---- keyword is used to define constant variable

ANSWER= (B) const
Explain:- The const keyword is used to define constatnt variable in C


10. The double data type is used to store--- data values

ANSWER= (A) floating values
Explain:- Double data type is used to store floating data values in variable

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