C Programming MCQ With Answers Set3


1. C language is ----- language

ANSWER= (A) general purpose
Explain:- C language is general purpose programming language


2. --- language is mother of all language

Explain:- C language is mother of all programming languages


3. C language is------

ANSWER= (B) Machine independent
Explain:- C language is Machine independent programming languages


4. C is -----language which supports both high level and low level programming approach

ANSWER= (C) Middle level
Explain:- C is middle level language which supports both high level and low level programming approach


5. ---- helps to include the contents of specified file in program

ANSWER= (A) #include directive
Explain:- #include directive helps to include the contents of specified file in program


6. The extension of header file is----

ANSWER= (A) .h
Explain:- The extension of header file is .h


7. To get user character ----- function is used

ANSWER= (C) getch()
Explain:- In C to get the user input getch() is used


8. To write comment line ------ or --- is used

ANSWER= (A) // or /********** ********/
Explain:- In C language comment lines are written by using // or /**********/


9. New line character in c is-----

ANSWER= (D) \n
Explain:- In C language new line character is \n


10. In c language the statement is terminated with------

Explain:- In C language every statement is terminated with semicolon (;) \n

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