Programming Paradigm

 Programming Paradigm

What is Programming Paradigm?

Programming paradigms are way or methods to classify programming languages based on their characteristics. It is the method to solve any problem by using programming language. Programming paradigm is a style of programming to solve any type of problem. It is the way or style in which programming language is organized.

Some of the programming paradigm includes,

1. Imperative Paradigm :

Imperative paradigm is one of the oldest programming paradigm it corelates to machine architecture. It works by changing the state of program through the assignment statement. In this style programmer tells to the machine about how to change its state.

Procedural Paradigm :

Procedural programming is derived from imperative programming paradigm which is based on procedure calls. Procedures are nothing but collection of computational steps to be performed to complete task. These procedures may be called any point during the program execution.

Examples of procedural programming languages,

FORTRAN – Formula Translation Language

ALGOL -  Algorithmic Language

Pascal and BASIC- Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code these all programming supports to the procedural paradigm.

Object Oriented Paradigm (OOP) :

It is a programming paradigm based on objects which contain data and code. Data is nothing but the fields or attributes and code includes the procedures, methods. These programming is class based where objects are instances of class. 

Most widely used OOP  languages are,

C++, Java, Python, R, Dot Net, PHP, Java Script, Scala, MATLAB etc.

2. Declarative Paradigm :

Declarative paradigm is a style of building structures and the elements of programs that contains logic of computation and it does not describe control flow of program.

Functional Programming :

In functional programming programs are constructed by applying the functions. Functions map the values than the sequences of imperative statements. Scala, JavaScript, HasKell these are name of programming languages that supports to functional paradigm.

Logical Programming Paradigm :

The logical programming paradigm is based on formal logic of program. These programs are set of sentences written which follows logic form of problem which express facts and rules about the problem domain.  The programming languages from this categories are Prolog – Logic Programming language associated with AI i.e. artificial intelligence and computational intelligence and DataLog  are the  languages are used in data integration, information extraction, security, cloud computing etc.

Mathematical Programming :

Mathematical programming is used to work on optimization problems, computer science and engineering for operation research and economics and development of mathematical applications.

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