Python Operators
Python Operators:
Operators are symbols used to perform a specific operations on variables and values.
For Example
+, -, *, / , % these are symbols which are used to perform arithmetic operations.
Following are some operators in Python,
1. Arithmetic Operators:
To perform common mathematical operations arithmetic operators are used.
+ Addition A+B eg. A=10; B=10 print( A+B)
- Subtraction A-B eg. A=10; B=10 print( A-B)
* Multiplication A*B eg. A=10; B=10 print( A*B)
/ Division A/B e.g. A=10; B=10 print( A/B)
% Modulus A%B eg. A=10; B=10 print( A%B)
** Exponentiation A**B eg. A=2; B=15 print( A**B) #same as 2*2*2*2*2
// Floor Division A//B A=15; B=2 print(A//B)#round the result to nearest whole number
2. Assignment Operators:
Assignment operators are used to assign values to the variables.
= A=10
+= A+=10 same as A=A+10
-= A-=10 same as A=A-10
*= A*=10 same as A=A*10
/= A/=10 same as A=A/10
%= A%=10 same as A=A%10
//= A//=10 same as A=A//10
**= A**=10 same as A=A**10
&= A&=10 same as A=A&10
|= A|=10 same as A=A|10
^= A^=10 same as A=A^10
>>= A>>=10 same as A=A>>10
<<= A<<=3 same as A=A<<10
3. Python Comparison Operator:
Comparison operators are used to compare two or more than two values.
== Exactly equal to A==B
!= Not equal to A!=B
> Greator than A>B
< Less than A<B
>= Greater than or equal to A>=B
<= Less than or equal to A<=B
4. Python Logical Operators:
Logical operators are used to combine two or more conditional statements.
- and : Returns True if both statements are true. A<10 and A<15 A=15
print(A>12 and A<20)
it will return true , because A is greater than 12 and less than 20
- or Returns true if one statement is true A < 5 or A<4
print(A>12 or A<10)
it will return true , because A is greater than 12 but A is not less than 10. So one condition satisfy.
- not Reverse the result, Returns False if the result is true. not(A<5 and A<10)
print(not(A>8 and A<15)
Returns False because not is used to reverse the result.
5. Python Identity Operators:
Identity operators are used to compare two objects. They are not only equal but both objects have same memory locations.
- Is Returns True if both variables have same objects
A is B
A=[“apple’, “mango”]
B=[“apple”, “mango”]
print( A is C) #Return True
print(A is B) # Return False
print(A ==B) # Returns True
- is not Returns True if both the variables are not the same objects.
X is not Y
X= [“ Pen”, “Pencil”]
Y=[“Pen”, “Pencil”]
print(X is not Z) # Returns False
print(X is not Y) # Returns True
print(X!=Y) # Returns False
6. Python Membership Operators:
Membership operators are used to test if the sequence is presented in an object.
- in Returns True if sequence with specified values is present in object.
A in B
print(“Pencil” in A) Returns True because Pencil is present in list A.
- not in Returns True if a sequence with specified values is not in the object
X not in Y
X= [“Pen”,” Pencil”]
print(“Rubber” not in X)
Returns True because Rubber is not present in X list.
7. Python Bitwise Operator:
Bitwise operators are used to compare binary numbers.
- & AND Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1
- | OR Sets each bit to 1 if one of two bits is 1
- ^ XOR Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two bits is 1
- ~ NOT Inverts all the bits
- << Zero fill left shift Shift left by pushing zeros in form of right and let the leftmost bits fall off
- >> Signed right shift Shift right by pushing copies of the leftmost bit in form the left and the rightmost bits fall off.
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