MCA Course under Pune University Detail Information

 MCA Course under Pune University

MCA admission process is done through CAP i.e. Centralized Admission process. Government of Maharashtra State admission Cell conducts MAH-MVA-CET every year.

Then DTE i.e. Directorates of Technical Education complete the admission process through CAP rounds.

MCA is a post graduate course in Computer Application. Its long form is Master of Computer Application. Savitribai Phule Pune Uneversity has two MCA streams. One is under faculty of Commence and Management and another is under Enginering Faculty.

The revised MCA pattern builds on the implementation of the Choice Based Credit System i.e. CBCS and it is a grading system. The grading system was initiated in Academic Year 2015. It was three years credit based pattern.

Then in academic Year 2019 syllabus revised and again MCA three years regular Credit Based Pattern implemented.

From Academic Year 2020 MCA course syllabus revised and Two Years course implemented.

Following are details of MCA Course,

Course Name    : MCA Management-Master of Computer Application

Course Duration    : 2 Years

Course Total Semesters   : 4

Every Semester have    : 28 Credits

Every Semester have : 700 Marks

Internal Evaluation : 350 Marks

External Evaluation : 350 Marks

Course Total Credits : 112

Course Total Internal Marks : 1400

Course Total External Marks : 1400

Course Total Marks : 2800

From Semester 1st to 3rd students have to give following Examinations,

5 Subjects theory papers : 

50 marks External and 25 marks Internal

2 Open Course Subjects : 

Having only internal marks of 25

1 Practical University Assesment :

50 Marks External , 75 Marks Internal

Mini Project :

50 Marks External , 75 Marks Internal

1 Soft Skill Subjects :

 25 Marks only Internal

In the 4th Semester students have Industry Internship. The examination details are as follows,

2 Theory Subjects : 

50 marks External (each) and 25 marks Internal (each)

Major Project :

 250 Marks External and 300 Marks Internal

The course syllabus is revised accordingly the latest IT industry requirements. 

In every semester there are two programming subjects.  These two subjects have lab course which is evaluated by university appointed examiners. 

The MCA course under Pune University syllabus include following subject list,

Java Programming

Android Application Development

Data structures using Java script

Python Programming

Advanced Internet Technology

Artificial intelligence: Machine Learning


Advance DBMS

Cloud Computing

Software Engineering

Networking Technology

Data Warehouse and Data Mining

Operating systems

And many more subjects based on latest technology.

Please click on following link for detail syllabus of MCA under management.

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For More Details,

MBA and MCA Admission Process Please Feel free to Contact
Prof. Dr. Manisha More

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