List of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms Set 3


List of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms

1.     List out Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms

supervised machine learning algorithms categorized into classification and regression, along with short real-life examples:


1.     Classification Algorithms

Logistic Regression:

Explanation: Predicts the probability of a binary outcome.

Real-Life Example: Classifying emails as "spam" or "not spam."


Decision Trees:

Explanation: Creates a tree structure where each node represents a feature and each branch represents a decision.

Real-Life Example: Diagnosing medical conditions based on symptoms.


Support Vector Machines (SVM):

Explanation: Finds the best boundary (hyperplane) that separates classes.

Real-Life Example: Classifying images of handwritten digits (e.g., recognizing digits in postal codes).


K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):

Explanation: Classifies data points based on the classes of the nearest neighbors.

Real-Life Example: Recommending products to customers based on what similar customers bought.


Naive Bayes:

Explanation: Uses probabilities of feature values to make classifications.

Real-Life Example: Classifying text into categories like "sports," "politics," and "technology."


Random Forest:

Explanation: Combines multiple decision trees to improve classification accuracy.

Real-Life Example: Predicting customer churn by analyzing various customer behaviors and demographics.


2.             2. Regression Algorithms

Linear Regression:

Explanation: Predicts a continuous target variable based on the linear relationship between the target and input features.

Real-Life Example: Predicting house prices based on features like size, location, and number of bedrooms.


Decision Trees (for regression):

Explanation: Creates a tree structure where each node represents a feature and each branch represents a decision, aiming to predict a continuous target variable.

Real-Life Example: Estimating the value of a used car based on its age, mileage, and condition.


Support Vector Regression (SVR):

Explanation: Uses Support Vector Machines principles to predict continuous values.

Real-Life Example: Predicting stock prices based on historical data.



K-Nearest Neighbors (for regression):

Explanation: Predicts the value of a data point based on the average of its nearest neighbors' values.

Real-Life Example: Estimating the expected delivery time of a package based on similar past deliveries.


Random Forest (for regression):

Explanation: Combines multiple decision trees to predict continuous values.

Real-Life Example: Forecasting sales based on past sales data and various market factors.


Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM):

Explanation: Builds models sequentially, each new model correcting errors from the previous one, for predicting continuous target variables.

Real-Life Example: Predicting energy consumption in a building based on weather data and occupancy rates.


These algorithms are used widely in supervised machine learning to solve different classification and regression problems across various industries.

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