Oracle-SQL/PLSQL MCQ with Answers SET - 4


Oracle-SQL/PLSQL MCQ with Answers SET - 4


1. The … is a process of retrieving data from two or more than two tables and display the combine result

ANSWER= (C) Join
Explain:- In Oracle you can retrieve data from two or more than two tables using join clause and display the combine result


2. The ... keyword is used to to perform Inner Join

ANSWER= (A) Inner Join
Explain:- In Oracle to perform the Inner Join the keyword Inner Join is used


3. The …. Join in Oracle help th retrieve all the rows from multiple tables and display as a combine result.

ANSWER= (C) Natural Join
Explain:- In Oracle Natural Join is used to retrieve all the rows from multiple tables using * character and display as a combine result


4. The …. Has to be passed in Using clase parenthesis.

ANSWER= (B) Common Column
Explain:- In Oracle when you use Using clause then in parenthesis of this clause you must pass Common column to perform the join


5. The left join returns ….. and ….

ANSWER= (A) All the rows of Left table and Only Matching rows from Right table
Explain:- When you apply Left Join on two or more tables then query will return all the rows from Left table and Only matching rows from right table


6. To perform the Inner Join … is required in both the tables

ANSWER= (A) Common Column
Explain:- When you will perform Inner Join,The joined tables must have the commom columns


7. The …. Functions are used to make calculations on columns

ANSWER= (C) Aggregate Functions
Explain:- In Oracle the Aggregate functions are used to perform the calculations on columns


8. The …. Query is used to get list of all tables in a database

ANSWER= (a) Select * from Tab;
Explain:- In Oracle the query Select * From Tab; returns list of Tables in your current database


9. What will the following query return: Select * From Dual;

ANSWER= (A) Current system date
Explain:- In Oracle Select * from dual; query will return the current system date


10. What will the given query return: Select * from Departments Where department = ‘Sales’;

ANSWER= (B) Retrieve all the rows of Department Table whose Department is Sales
Explain:- Select * from Department where Department=’Sales’; will return Retrieve all the rows of Department Table whose Department is Sales


11. What will the given query return: Select * from Departments Where salary >=75000;

ANSWER= (B) Retrieve all the rows of Department Table whose Salary is greater than or equal to 75000
Explain:- Select * from Department where Salary >=75000; Retrieve all the rows of Department Table whose Salary is greater than or equal to 75000


12. What will the given query return: Select * from Departments Where Name Like ‘MA%’;

ANSWER= (C) Retrieve all the rows from Department table whose Name starts from MA alphabet
Explain:- Select * from Department where Name Like ‘MA%’; Retrieve all the rows from Department table whose Name starts from MA alphabet


13. select * from student where name like '_____sh'; What will be the output of given query

ANSWER= (A) This query will retrieve all the rows whose Name ends on sh
Explain:- Select * From Student Where Name Like ‘____sh’; This query will retrieve all the rows whose Name ends on sh


14. What will be the output of given query: Select AVG(Salary)From Employee;

ANSWER= (B) The query will return Average salary of employee
Explain:- The query will return Average salary of employee


15. Select correct query for given question: Retrieve all the students whose Address is Pune, Mumbai , Madras

ANSWER= (D) Both Option 1 and Option 2
Explain:- Both the options 1 and 2 are correct


16. The .. is the statement used to retrieve the data from database

ANSWER= (B) Query
Explain:- Query is a statement used to retrieve the data from the database


17. Which Aggregate function you can use to get total number of rows in a table

ANSWER= (C) Count()
Explain:- The Aggregate function Count() is used to get total count


18. The … Function is used to get total sum of the Numerical column

ANSWER= (A) Sum()
Explain:- The Aggregate function Sum() is used to get total Sum of numerical column


19. The … and .. Functions are used to get Minimum and Maximum values of Numerical columns

ANSWER= (A) min, max
Explain:- The Aggregate functions min and max are used to get Minimum and Maximum value of numerical column


20. The … in Oracle is used a specific type of value in a table for a column

ANSWER= (C) Data Type
Explain:- The Data Type in Oracle is used to store a specific type of value in a table for a column

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