Joins In Oracle

Joins In Oracle

What is Joins in Oracle:

Joins in Oracle used to combine data from two or more tables based on related column between them. Tables are joined on columns that have the same data type and data width in the tables.

Following are the types of Joins in Oracle

1.     Inner Join:

Inner join returns only the matching rows from both the tables.


          Select Columnname, Columnname

          From Table1

          Inner Join Table2 ON


Here Table1 and Table2 are the tables which are to be joined. Column1 and Cloumn2 are the columns selected to retrieve data. The Common column name is used to join the table1 and table2.  The columns  should be connected with primary key and foreign key.

One most important condition to use inner join is the rows should be matched in both the tables.


For Example,

SQL> select emp_name, emp_role

  2  from employee

  3Inner Join employee_details On employee.emp_id = employee_details.emp_id;


EMP_NAME             EMP_ROLE

-------------------- --------------------

Rohan                Sales

Rakesh               Marketing

Radha                Acounts

Rakesh               IT

Here Inner Join is performed on Employee table and Employee_details table. The emp_name and Emp_role columns from both the tables are selected to retrieve data. Inner Join is applied on Employee and Employee_details by using similar column from both the table i.e. emp_id column. So data for this column from both the table if matches then only Inner Join return the rows.


In this example

Another Example,

SQL> select  designation, Emp_role

  2  from employee

  3Inner Join employee_details on Employee.emp_id=employee_details.emp_id;



--------------- --------------------

Clerk           Sales

manager         Marketing

manager         Acounts

manager         IT

Another Example,

SQL> select  designation, Emp_role

  2  from employee_details

  3  Inner Join employee on Employee_details.emp_id=employee.emp_id;



--------------- --------------------

Clerk           Sales

manager         Marketing

manager         Acounts

manager         IT


Another Example,

SQL> select  emp_role,designation

  2  from employee_details

  3  Inner Join employee on Employee_details.emp_id=employee.emp_id;



-------------------- ---------------

Sales                                 Clerk

Marketing                        manager

Acounts                           manager

IT                                    manager

 Another Example,

                Following are two tables having some data and applied Inner Join function on two tables

SQL> select * from student;

    ROLLNO NAME       CLASS      DI

---------- ---------- ---------- --

         1 MAnisha    BCAI       A

         2 Monisa     BCAII      B

         3 Mahesh     BCAIII     C

         4 Manthan    BBAIII     C

SQL> select * from result;


---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1         29         67 A          Pass

         2         26         65 A          Pass

         3         23         55 B          Pass

         4         23         45 C          Pass

Following query represent INNER JOIN

SQL> select name,int_marks,ext_marks, grade, result

  2  from student

  3  inner join result

  4  on

  5  student.rollno=result.rollno;


---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

MAnisha                    29                 67                 A          Pass

Monisa                     26                     65                 A          Pass

Mahesh                     23                     55                 B          Pass

Manthan                    23                     45                 C          Pass

So her Name is retrieved from Student table and Int_marks, Ext_marks, Grade and result is retrieved from Result table by joing Student and Result tables on common column name is Rollno.

1.     2.     Natural Join Or USING Clause:

The natural join is used to join two tables with all the columns from both the tables. Natural Joins automatically join the table based on columns with matching names.


              Select * from Table1

              Natural Join Table2;

SQL> select * from student;


    ROLLNO NAME                 CLASS                 DI

---------- -------------------- ---------- --

         1         MAnisha              BCAI                     A

         2         Monisa               BCAII                     B

         3         Mahesh               BCAIII                   C

         4         Manthan              BBAIII                  C


SQL> select * from result;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1                    29                67                        A          Pass

         2                    26                65                        A          Pass

         3                    23               55                         B          Pass

         4                    23                45                        C          Pass


Following query shows Natural Join on Student table and Result table

SQL> select * from student

  2  natural join result;


    ROLLNO           NAME                   CLASS               DI             INT_MARKS  EXT_MARKS GRADE      RESULT

---------- ---------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1             MAnisha          BCAI       A                  29                   67       A          Pass

         2             Monisa             BCAII      B                 26                  65        A          Pass

         3             Mahesh            BCAIII     C                  23                  55        B          Pass

         4             Manthan            BBAIII     C                  23                 45        C          Pass


All columns of student table and all columns of result table are joined using Natural Join. It combines all the rows of student table and result table.


Using Clause:

USING Clause is used to join two tables and combine all the rows from joined tables.


          Select * from Table1

          Join Table2


For Example


SQL> select * from student

  2  join result

  3  using (Rollno);


    ROLLNO NAME       CLASS                  DI          INT_MARKS          EXT_MARKS     GRADE      RESULT

---------- ---------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1 MAnisha    BCAI           A          29                     67                 A          Pass

         2 Monisa     BCAII            B          26                     65                 A          Pass

         3 Mahesh     BCAIII         C          23                     55                 B          Pass

         4 Manthan    BBAIII         C          23                     45                 C          Pass

All rows are selected from student and result table by applying Using clause using Rollno the common column name from both the tables.

1.     Left Join / Left Outer Join:

Left join also called as Left Outer Join is a join operation used to retrieve all the rows from Left table i.e. Table1. Or the table Left side of the Join keyword and matching rows from the right table i.e. Table2 or table at the right side of the join keyword. If there is no matching found in right table, the null values are returned for the columns of the right table. We can also use Left join to retrieve and combine data from two tables while it includes all the rows from one of these tables.

Left Join returns all the rows from left table i.e. table1 and matching rows from right table i.e. table2, if matching row does not found in right table then it returns null.


          Select Columns

          From Left_Table

          Left Join Right_Table

          On Left_Table.column=Right_Table.column;

For Example,

Following is Our data,

SQL> select * from student;


    ROLLNO NAME       CLASS      DI

---------- ---------- ---------- --

         1         MAnisha    BCAI       A

         2         Monisa        BCAII      B

         3         Mahesh        BCAIII     C

         4         Manthan    BBAIII     C

         5         Akash         BBAI       F


SQL> Select * from result;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1                   29                67                A                  Pass

         2                   26                65                A                  Pass

         3                   23                55               B                 Pass

         4                   23                45                C                 Pass

SQL>select student.rollno, student. name, student.class, result.int_marks, result.ext_marks

  2  from student

  3  Left Join Result

  4  On student.Rollno=Result.Rollno;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1         MAnisha       BCAI                    29         67

         2         Monisa        BCAII                    26         65

         3         Mahesh        BCAIII                   23         55

         4         Manthan       BBAIII                  23         45

         5         Akash          BBAI

In above query Left join is applied on Student and Result table. In student total 5 rows are there and all 5 rows are retrieved but these rows do not match in result table i.e. in right table so it will return Null for those rows.

Another way,

SQL> select name,class,div, int_marks,Ext_marks, result

  2  from student

  3  left join result

  4  on

  5  student.rollno=result.rollno;



---------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ----------

MAnisha    BCAI       A              29               67      Pass

Monisa     BCAII      B               26         65             Pass

Mahesh     BCAIII     C              23          55            Pass

Manthan    BBAIII     C             23         45             Pass

Akash      BBAI       F


2.     Right Join / Right Outer Join:

The right join or right outer join returns all the rows from right table i.e. second table and only the matching rows from left table i.e. first table. If no match found, then null values are returned by the query.


     Select Columns

     From Left_Table

     Right Join Right_Table

     On Left_Table.column=Left_Table.Column;

For Example,

     SQL> select * from student;


    ROLLNO NAME       CLASS      DI

---------- ---------- ---------- --

         1    MAnisha    BCAI       A

         2    Monisa     BCAII      B

         3    Mahesh     BCAIII     C

         4    Manthan    BBAIII     C

         5    Akash      BBAI       F


SQL> Select * from result;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1              29                 67               A          Pass

         2              26                 65               A          Pass

         3              23                55                B          Pass

         4              23                45                C          Pass

SQL> select name,class,div, int_marks,Ext_marks, grade,result

  2  from student

  3  Right join result

  4  on

  5  student.rollno=result.rollno;


NAME                    CLASS      DI  INT_MARKS  EXT_MARKS GRADE      RESULT

---------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

MAnisha          BCAI       A          29         67              A          Pass

Monisa             BCAII      B          26         65              A          Pass

Mahesh             BCAIII     C          23         55              B          Pass

Manthan           BBAIII     C          23         45              C          Pass

In above query the Right join is applied on student and result table. The query returns all the rows from right table i.e. second and only matching rows from the left table i.e. first table.

Another Way,

SQL> select student.rollno,name,class,div, int_marks,Ext_marks, grade,result

  2  from student

  3  Right join result

  4  on

  5  student.rollno=result.rollno;



---------- ---------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1    MAnisha      BCAI       A          29         67             A          Pass

         2    Monisa        BCAII      B          26         65             A          Pass

         3    Mahesh         BCAIII     C          23         55             B          Pass

         4         Manthan      BBAIII     C             23         45           C              Pass

If you want to retrieve the column which is common in both the tables then it is selected in select clause using table name and dot operator.

5.         Full Join or Full Outer Join:

The full outer or full join returns all the rows from both the tables i.e. from the left and from the right table.

The main difference between left join, right join and full join are as follows:

Left Join: This query returns all the rows from left table and only matching rows from right table, if matching does not found then it returns null.

Right Join:  The right join query returns all the rows from right table and only matching rows from left table, if matching does not found returns Null

Full Join:

The full outer join returns all the rows from both the tables i.e. left table and right table. All rows from both the tables including matching and Non matching. For Non matching return the null values.


          Select columns

          From LeftTable

          Full Join RightTable



For Example;


SQL> select student.rollno,name, class, int_marks,Ext_marks, Grade

  2  from result

  3  Full Join student

  4  on

  5  result.rollno=student.rollno;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1 MAnisha    BCAI               29         67         A

         2 Monisa     BCAII              26         65         A

         3 Mahesh     BCAIII             23         55         B

         4 Manthan    BBAIII             23         45         C

         5 Sakshi     BCAII

6.    Cross Join Cartesian Join:

The Cartesian join returns Cartesian product rows from both the tables. For Cross Join it doesnot require any condition. It helps to combine all the rows from two or more tables, where each row from first table is combined with every row of second table and so on.

Cross join produces a result set that contains the multiplication of the number of rows in each joined tables.


              Select Columns

              From Table1

              Cross Join Table2;

For example;

SQL> select student.rollno, name,class, Int_marks,Ext_marks,grade

  2  from student

  3  Cross join result;



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1 MAnisha    BCAI               29         67 A

         2 Monisa     BCAII              29         67 A

         3 Mahesh     BCAIII             29         67 A

         4 Manthan    BBAIII             29         67 A

         1 MAnisha    BCAI               26         65 A

         2 Monisa     BCAII              26         65 A

         3 Mahesh     BCAIII             26         65 A

         4 Manthan    BBAIII             26         65 A

         1 MAnisha    BCAI               23         55 B

         2 Monisa     BCAII              23         55 B

         3 Mahesh     BCAIII             23         55 B



---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         4    Manthan    BBAIII                    23         55             B

         1    MAnisha    BCAI                      23         45            C

         2    Monisa     BCAII                      23         45             C

         3    Mahesh     BCAIII                     23         45             C

         4    Manthan    BBAIII                    23         45             C


16 rows selected.

In above query in student and result 4 rows are there. When cross join is applied on both tables, each column of student table i.e. first table is combined with every column of second table i.e. result table. In this way 16 rows are displayed on screen.



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