Creating New File info.txt on Disk and Write New Contents to the File In Python


Creating New File info.txt on Disk and Write New Contents to the File In Python

filepath="C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\Python Notes\\info.txt"

#file is opened in write mode

with open(filepath,'w') as f:

    file=f.write("India is my country\n"

                "All Indians are my brothers and sisters.\n"

                "I love my country and i am proud if its rich varied heritage.")

# Open same file in read mode to check file contents

print("Use of read() function")



with open(filepath,'r') as f:

print("All the contents from file are:\n",contents)


print("Use of readlines() to print particular line from file:")


with open(filepath,'r') as f:


line=contents[0]  # [0] it 0th index used to read first line

print("The first line from file is:\n",line)



Use of read() function


All the contents from file are:

 India is my country

All Indians are my brothers and sisters.

I love my country and i am proud if its rich varied heritage.


Use of readlines() to print particular line from file:

The first line from file is:

 India is my country

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