Python program to perform addition of two numbers and display average

# variable declared and values assigned to variable with = assignment operator


number2=30   # variable



print("The addition of two number1 and number2 is:",Addition)

print("The average of two numbers is:",average)


The addition of two number1 and number2 is: 50

The average of two numbers is: 25.0


In above program number1 and number2 are two variables used to store integer values.

 = is assignment operator used to store values in number1 and number2 variables.

Addition variable is declared to perform addition of two variables.

Average variable is used to find average of these two variables.

 Print() function in python is used to display result or message on screen. The result stored in a variable is displayed with print() function or just typing the name of variable which hold the result  and then click run.

# character in Python is used to write comment lines. For multiline comment lines just use # character in front of your text.