C program to enter array elements at the run time and then display on screen,Also display sum of array elements

C program to enter array elements at the run time and then display on screen, also display sum of array elements


 *C program to enter array elements at the run time and then display on screen. 

 * Also display sum of array elements




void main()


    int i;

    //array declaration

    int number[5];

    int sum=0;


    //Enter array elements

    printf("Enter array elements\n");



        //read array elements




    //display array elements

    printf("The array elements are\n");




        //add array elements



    printf("\nThe sum of array elements is %d",sum);

    printf("\nEnd of program");


Enter array elements






The array elements are

20 10 90 80 70

The sum of array elements is 270

End of program

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