C Programming MCQ With Answers Set2


1. ----is a pictorial representation of algorithm

ANSWER= (B) Flowchart
Explain:- Flowchart is pictorial representation of an algorithm


2. ----- symbol is used for decision making in flowchart

ANSWER= (D) Dimond
Explain:- In flowchart dimond symbol is used to show the conditions


3. -----programming language is based on objects which contain data and code

ANSWER= (D) Object Oriented
Explain:- The Object oriented programming paradigm is based on objects which contain both data and code


4. ------Programming paradigm is based on procedure calls

ANSWER= (A) Procedural
Explain:- Procedural programming paradigm is based on procedure calls


5. Step by step representation of problem is calle----

ANSWER= (c) Algorithm
Explain:- Algorithm is a step by step representation of any problem


6. Which symbol is used for input and output Purpose in flowchart

ANSWER= (D) parallelogram
Explain:- parallelogram is used for input and output purpose


7. ---- language is mother of all programming language

Explain:- C programming language is mother of all programming language


8. C is middle level Programming because it support both -------- and ----- programming approach

ANSWER= (A) low level and high level
Explain:- C is middle level programming language because it is combination of low level and high level programming approach


9.----- is used to seperate two instructions in c program

ANSWER= (C) Comma
Explain:- In C program comma (,) is used to seperate two instructions


10. main() is ------- function in C

ANSWER= (A) Built-in function
Explain:- In C and C++ there two types of functions one is user defined and another is built in functions i.e. library function. main() is built in function which is predifined and precompiled

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