C Programming MCQ Test with Answers - Set 1


1. ---- Father of C programming is

ANSWER= (A) Dennis Ritchie
Explain:- Dennis Ritchie is the developer of C language


2. ------- is the extension of C program

ANSWER= (D) .c
Explain:- The extension of C program file is .c


3. C language is developed in --------

ANSWER= (A) 1972
Explain:- In 1972 Dennis Ritchie developed C language at At and T Bell Laboratory USA


4. C programming was designed to over come the problems encountered by ------

ANSWER= (C) Basic,BPCL,B programming language
Explain:- C programming was designed to over come the problems encountered by Basic,BPCL,B programming language


5. C is ------programming language

ANSWER= (B) Procedure programming language
Explain:- C programming language is procedure programming language


6. Set of instructions is called -------

ANSWER= (C) Program
Explain:- Set of instruction is called program and set of programs is called software


7. ----- is the program used to translate and combine source code into machine understandable form

ANSWER= (B) Compiler
Explain:- compiler is the program used to translate and combine source code into machine understandable form


8. ---- software helps to computer user, hardware and all application program to run together

ANSWER= (A) System software
Explain:- System software software helps to computer user, hardware and all application program to run together


9. ----- software is part of system software which are used to perform different tasks to keep computer running

ANSWER= (D) utility software
Explain:- utility software is part of system software which are used to perform different tasks to keep computer running


10. ----- refers to physical components of computer system

ANSWER= (A) hardware
Explain:- hardware refers to physical components of computer system

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