C program to display area of geometric shapes using switch case

C program to display area of geometric shapes using switch case


 C program to display area of geometric shapes using switch case




void main()


    int choice;

    int r,l,b,base,height,s,area;


    printf("Enter radius, length, breadth, base, height and side\n");


    printf("Enter your choices as mentioned below to display area of geometric    shapes\n");

    printf("For Area of circle : 1\n");

    printf("For Area rectangle : 2\n");

    printf("For Area of triangle : 3\n");

    printf("For Area of square : 4\n");

    printf("Enter your choice to perform operation\n");




        case 1:


        printf("The area of circle is:%d\n",area);


        case 2:


        printf("The area of rectangle is:%d\n",area);


        case 3:


        printf("The area of triangle is:%d\n",area);


        case 4:


        printf("The area of square is:%d\n",area);



        printf("The choice is invalid please enter valid choice\n");



    printf("End of program");



Enter radius, length, breadth, base, height and side







Enter your choices as mentioned below to display area of geometric shapes

For Area of circle : 1

For Area rectangle : 2

For Area of triangle : 3

For Area of square : 4

Enter your choice to perform operation


The area of square is:9

End of program

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