Simple C Program to Display Two Integers


Simple C Program to Display Two Integers

//Simple C Program to display two integers on screen.


int main()


    int a=10;

    int b=20;

    printf("The A and B values are\n%d\t%d,", a,b);

    return 0;




The A and B values are

10      20


In the above program instructions are written to display two integers value on screen. The values of two variables assigned with assignment operator (=) and have its data type integer(int).

The main () function is declared with int. So programmer has to return something to main function.

To display the values on screen %d%d two times used because the programmer wants to display two integers.

//Simple C Program to display two integers on screen.


int main()


    float a=10.5;

    float b=20.5;

    printf("The A and B values are\n%d\t%f,", a,b);

    return 0;



The A and B values are

10 5     20.5


//Simple C Program to display  user input (two integers) on screen. 



void main()


    int a;

    int b;

printf("Enter first integer\n");


printf("Enter second  integer\n");


printf("The two integers are: \n%d\t%d,", a,b);




Enter first integer


Enter second integer


The two integers are:

5   5

10      20

In above program the two integer values are given by user.

scanf() function is used to read user input. & is address operator used to store user input in a variable.

%d is format specifier for integer data or values. 

\t is used to give white space in between two values.

\n is used to print the statement to new line.

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