How to Write Project Synopsis ??

 How to Write Project Synopsis?

What is Project Synopsis?

A synopsis is a blueprint of project work. It gives information about the project and highlight the project problem. It is a brief outline of project to be submitted to for the approval of the project to the competent authorities. It gives tentative plan about to complete your project. It is about three to four pages hard copy or soft copy that gives basic information and plan of your project. 

What are the important points to be covered in the project synopsis?

1. Name of the Project / Title of the Project

2. Problem Statement / Business Problem

3. The reasons to chose this Topic

4. Objectives of Project

5. Scope of the Project

6. Methodology to be Used to complete project

7. Details about the Front End and Backend technology is to be used

8. Project Flow/ ERD/ DFD Diagrams

9. References / Bibliography

Details explanation about all above points is given,

1. Name of Project / Title of Project:

The name of the project or title of the project is mentioned at the beginning of the project synopsis. It should be precisely written so name itself gives the insights of the project about what you are going to cover in your project. The title itself gives the impression of your project. 

Following are some names/ titles of projects,  you can chose the name for your project. 

Online Food Delivery System for XYZ Hotel

Online Food Order System for XYZ Restaurant

Online Ticket Booking system for XYZ Movie Theatre

Online Medicine Order and Delivery System for XYZ Chemist

Attendance management system for XYZ College

Internal Examination Management System for XYZ College

Library Management System for XYZ Library

Account Management System for XYZ College

In this way you can give the name for your project. So the name itself give details of your project.

2. Problem Statement / Business Problem:

The problem statement is nothing but it is the description of an issues that is to be addressed. The condition of the existing system that is to be improved through your system. The problem statement of your project is the gap between current system and proposed system. Problem statement means generally the negative points in the current system that is to be addressed through your system.

3. The Reasons to Chose This Topic:

In this section you have to mention the reasons why you have chosen this project. What are the reasons to chose this project. The motive behind doing the project is precisely mentioned in this section. What is your aim for doing this project that should be clearly defined in this section.

This section will tell the readers about what is the main aim behind doing the project.

4. Objectives of Project:

Your project should have objectives and you have to take efforts to achieve project objectives. You should write 3 to 4 objectives for your project. The objectives must pertain to study the problem statement of your project. Your ultimate goal is to achieve all the objectives that you have mentioned. To get the solutions to your problem statement.

5. Scope of the Project:

Through the scope readers will get an idea about what is the scope of your project.

It is live project means web based project 

It is embedded systems, 

It is AI based project, 

It is ERP means desktop systems,

It is Android project.

This section helps to understand about the scope whether it is limited to the particular organization or it is publicly used by everyone.  

6. Methodology to be Used to Complete Project:

In this section you have to mention the methodology adopted ( in100-200 words) to complete your project. It includes,

which tools you are going to use for your  project design 

Different methods that is going to be used for your project

Different variables, controls that is going to be used

Study methods, form designs, database designs, database normalization, software testing etc.

7. Details about the Front End and Backend Technology is to be Used:

This section is very important because here you have to mention the details about software and hardware configuration of your project.  In which platform you are working on your project. 

Which programming languages you are going to use to design the interface.

Which database you are going to use to design database 

Which software testing tools you are going to use to test your software

What is hardware configuration required

All these information you have to mention in this section.

8. Project Flow/ ERD/ DFD Diagrams :

In project synopsis you must explain the data flow or information flow of your project. By using different types of diagrams, charts, figures you can explain flow of information.

This includes,

Entity Relationship Diagrams

Data Flow Diagrams

UML diagrams like, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Use case Diagrams etc.

9. References / Bibliography:

In this section of your project synopsis you have to write all the reference that you have gone through. The reference may be text books, reference books, magazines, newspapers, online resources like e-books, different e-tutorials, websites, some video, audio references etc.

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Project Synopsis Sample 2 click here

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